
Role Of Tender Manager

Once the tender response has been agreed and all questions answered, the tender manager is charged with putting the various elements of the tender together. Some of the suggested guidelines for submitting the tender given below which should be considered by the tender manager before submitting the tender.

Submitting the Tender

When you are invited to tender you move to a different phase, one where an understanding of the process will greatly assist your potential for success.

The initial tender announcement often seems to be overtly challenging and the information requested may seem difficult to satisfy.

The manner in which you submit information is just as important as the content. Remember that what you forward is a reflection of your company. Poorly presented, inaccurate or unintelligible information will give an unflattering representation of your company.

Remember, the first part of the selection process is rejection. If you are a client faced by dozens of expressions of interest or tenders, the first thing you wish to do is reduce the number. Do not give potential clients cause to reject yours just because of presentation. Only when the rejection process is completed is the selection process commenced.

After the Award

Whether successful or not, seek a debrief. If unsuccessful, remember virtually every contract is for a specific period, so keep in touch with the client during the contract; you will learn how it is progressing, what problems the client is experiencing and his priorities. That way, when retendering, you will have a much better understanding of how you should quote and the client will appreciate that your company is interested in his needs.

Make full use of information published within contract notices in order to identify:

Subcontractor opportunities.

Allied procurement opportunities.

Procurement personnel.

Government departments and their locations.

Other product developments.

Competitor’s success.

There are many on line tender information providing websites like www.tenderserviceonline.com .You can also visit this site for latest tender news and articles. So you can plan your response to tender invitation today and get lots of business possibilities in government sector.